出 访 成 果 报 告 | I was invited by International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICBEE 2017) to AthensGreece. The purpose of this visit is oral presentation. The conference was held on September 25-27, 2017 at Golden Age of Athens Hotel, 57 Michalakopoulou Street, 115 28 AthensGreece. This conference is sponsored by Hong Kong Chemical, Biology and Environmental Engineering Society and assisted by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (Conference Chair Prof. Maria Liakopoulou-Kyriakides form Bioorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Keynote Speaker Prof. Prof. Dr. Gerrit Schüürmann from Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg,Germany. I have arrived at lobby at Golden Age of Athens Hotel, AthensGreeceand participants onsite registration and conference material collection On September 25, 2017. This conference are well organize at beautiful country and The Conference Organizer provided the necessary equipment such as laptop Computer (MS Windows Operating System with MS PowerPoint & Adobe Acrobat Reader ) And digital Projectors & Screen so it is very convenience to all presenters. They are three keynotes speakers in this conference On September 26, 2017 including: Keynote Speech I -Topic: “Predictive Assessment of the Human and Environmental Toxicity of Chemical Substances” (Prof. Dr. Gerrit Schüürmann, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany) Keynote Speech II -Topic: “Effects of Climate Change on Pedestrian Comfort: Madrid Case Study” (Prof. Roberto San Jose, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid,Spain) Keynote Speech III -Topic: “Phenolics; State of the Art and New Prospects” (Prof. Maria Liakopoulou-Kyriakides, Bioorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece) Their presentation were wonderful, I cannot take my eyes off of their presentations. Their presentation are crystal clear and keep on time. I have learnt a lot from theirs presentation style. The conference was divided into two sessions including Energy and Chemical Engineering and Environment and Biology. I was arranged to present in the session of Energy and Chemical Engineering. The title of my presentation is Acid chitosan membrane as an effective catalyst for esterification of oleic acid. After finished the presentation there is a question and answer from professor and listeners for 5 minutes. About discussion, I have gotten a good advice from professors that really meaningful to my research. I also received the certificate for participation and presentation. Moreover, I have a chance to meet and discussion with researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students in my fields and have a chance to exchange and share my experiences, new ideas, and research results, and discusses the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. In addition, I also attended the poster session presentation. Most or researchers in this session had presented a beautiful and sufficiency data on their poster. The conference scale is medium so it is easy for all researchers to get to know and discuss their interested to each other’s. The participants of this conference are from different countries such asIndonesia,Korea,Germany,Greece,Romania,Thailand,Spain, andChina. I have also provide the detail schedule with this letter. Day 1 September 25, 2017 (Monday)10:00 – 17:00I have arrive at lobby at Golden Age of Athens Hotel, AthensGreeceand participants onsite registration and conference material collection Day 2 September 26, 2017 (Tuesday) - Opening Remarks 9:00~9:10 - Keynote Speech I 9:10~9:50 - Keynote Speech II 9:50~10:30 - 10:30~10:50 - Keynote Speech III 10:50~11:30 - Poster Session11:30~12:30 - Lunch 12:30~14:00 - After noon Conference Venue: - Session1:14:00~15:30 - 14:30~15:50 - 15:30~15:50 - Session 2: 15:50~17:35 - Dinner 18:00 - Prof. Maria Liakopoulou-Kyriakides Bioorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece - Topic: “Predictive Assessment of the Human and Environmental Toxicity of Chemical Substances” (Prof. Dr. Gerrit Schüürmann, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany) Topic: “Effects of Climate Change on Pedestrian Comfort: Madrid Case Study” (Prof. Roberto San Jose, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid,Spain) Coffee Break & Group Photo Taking Topic: “Phenolics; State of the Art and New Prospects” (Prof. Maria Liakopoulou-Kyriakides, Bioorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece) There are poster presentation from different researchers Golden Restaurant at Ground Floor in the hotel ERATO Meeting Room in the hotel6 presentations-Topic: ―Energy and Chemical Engineering‖ Presentation: E0017 Acid chitosan membrane as an effective catalyst for esterification of oleic acid. Coffee Break 7 presentations-Topic: ―Environment and Biology Venue: A la carte restaurant “Moments” at ground floor in the hotelDay 3 September 27, 2017 (Wednesday) Return china Day 4 September 28, 2017 (Tuesday) Arrived china. 该团组已进行事后公示。(对外处公章) (领队签字)Nisakorn Saengprachum 年 月 日 |