The visit inItalywas mostly required by Roma Tre University to discuss about the Common Activities and to Meet the new president (elected in the middle of September), Professor Luca Pietromarchi. -Meeting with the President of Roma Tre, Prof. Luca Pietromarchi The recently elected new President of Roma Tre, Prof. Luca Pietromarchi, invited me Prof. Bruno to have a meeting to discuss about the established collaboration programs between Roma Tre and Fuzhou University and in particular: a)the Sino-Italian Center Roma Tre-Fuzhou University The President of Roma Tre would like to push forward the activities of the Center and to evaluate the possibility to open an Office of Fuzhou University at Roma Tre. The strategy to enlarge the Collaboration to more Colleges was discussed in detail. b)Joint PhD Roma Tre-Fuzhou The Established Joint-Phd between Roma Tre and Fuzhou has been introduced and discussed with the President of Roma Tre. c)Joint Master Course The possibility to establish a Joint Master Course on Civil Engineering with the University of Roma Tre and Modena (Italy) was discussed in detail. The President of Roma Tre confirmed his support and propose to start with a Roma Tre-Fuzhou Joint Engineering College, as done for example by Zhejiang University with the University of Illinois (USA). This possibility will be investigated in the next months. -Research Collaboration on “Retrofitting of Existing Bridges” During the visit at Roma Tre University, I had many meetings with Prof. Camillo Nuti and his group to discuss about the “Retrofitting of Existing Bridges” research project. In particular the tests previously performed at Fuzhou University on an innovative retrofitting technique have been analyzed and some new have been planned. The research developed by some post-graduate students of prof. Nuti and prof. Briseghella (Chinese and Italian students) have been reviewed. Moreover some papers to be published in the close future in International Conferences and Journals have been discussed. During my stay, I also attended the following meetings: -Meeting with Fip Industriale Meeting with the Director of Oversees Market of FIP Industriale, Mr Ottavio Casuscelli, to discuss about the Common Collaboration with FIP and the “Joint International Research Laboratory Of Risk Mitigation” established in Fuzhou, on November 11th, 2014. The possibility to develop together with FZU new seismic devices for the retrofitting of bridges be applied in China and Asian counties was discussed in detail according to the MOU signed in Italy in July 2017 between FIP, Fuzhou University, Guangzhou University, Roma Tre University, Modena University, Padova University and Pescara-Chieti University and coordinated by Fuzhou University. -Meeting with Maffeis Engineering (DAR Group) Meeting with the Managing Director of Maffeis Engineering, Mr Massimo Maffeis, on the possibility to establish a Joint Research Center between the College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, and Maffeis Engineering. Maffeis is one of leading design Office for Advanced Design and Conceptual Design of Special Structures and Bridges. It has been involved in the design of same of the most famous Stadium and Bridges in the world and belongs to an important International group, called DAR group. This possibility will be investigated in more detail in the next future. 该团组已进行事后公示。(对外处公章) (领队签字)Bruno Briseghella 年 月 日 |