出 访 成 果 报 告 | During my visit in Miami, I was invited to give a presentation in the “National USA Accelerated Bridge Construction” Conference, in a preconference Workshop and I met some American professors and international experts to establish relationship with the College of Civil Engineering. The visit was very fruitful and allows to enlarge the influence of the College inUSAand all the contacts will continue in the next future. In the following you can find a more detailed description of my visit: -December 6 On December 6, I was invited to take part and give a presentation in the preconference meeting WC-11 Accelerated Bridge Construction W-11: Accelerated Bridge Construction in Seismic RegionsWednesday, December 6, 2017 – 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Introduction:This workshop provides an opportunity for exchange of the latest information in research and implementation of ABC in seismic regions. Devising connections that can accommodate inelastic cyclic deformations and are readily constructible is the primary challenge for ABC in seismic regions. Ductile behavior is desirable under earthquake loadings for both the longitudinal and transverse directions of the bridge. The workshop demonstrates technologies for delivering bridge construction projects in weeks, rather than months, for reducing congestion, improving safety and increasing the quality of highway bridges in seismic regions. Workshop Organizer: Bijan Khaleghi, Ph.D., P.E., Washington State Department of Transportation Program:1:00 p.m.Welcome and Introduction to WorkshopModerator – Bijan Khaleghi, Ph.D., P.E.1:10 p.m.SDCL for ABC Application in Seismic AreasAtorod Azizinamini, Ph.D., P.E.1:35 p.m.NCHRP ABC/PBES Research Project UpdatesWaseem Dekelbab, Ph.D., P.E.2:00 p.m.“Better-Faster-Cheaper. Can we please have all three?”John Stanton, Ph.D.2:25 p.m.Research, Design, and Construction of California ABC Column-to-Cap & Girder-to-Cap ConnectionsTom Ostrom, P.E.2:50 p.m.Break 3:00 p.m.Design of Accelerated Construction Connections for Concrete Filled TubesDawn Lehman, Ph.D., P.E. 3:25 p.m.Low-Damage Hybrid Precast Concrete Segmental Bridge ColumnsPinar Okumus, Ph.D.3:50 p.m.Seismic Characteristics of Jointless BridgesBruno Biseghella, Ph.D. Phil Yen, Ph.D., P.E. 4:15 p.m.ABC Using Innovative Materials, Design and Construction MethodsM. “Saiid” Saiidi, Ph.D., P.E.4:40 p.m.An Accelerated Construction Method for Bridge SubstructuresSri Sritharan, Ph.D.-December 7 Morning: Meeting with Prof. Atorod Azizinamini, Chair of Civil Engineering of Florida International University, Dr. Bijan Khaleghi, Chief Bridge Engineer of Washington State Department of Transportation and Dr. Phil Yan, Chairperson of the newly formed International Association of Bridge Earthquake Engineering (IABEE) to discuss about a collaboration on new technologies for short and medium span bridges. Afternoon: Meeting with dr. Andrea Calace, Senior Manager Cisco System in charge of Smart Cities and Intelligent Transportation, and dr. Ignasi Vilajosana, CEO and Co-founder of Worldsensing that is a widely recognized leader company in IT, to discuss about a collaboration in health monitoring of infrastructures. -December 8 Morning: Invited presentation in the “National Accelerated Bridge Construction” Conference. Tile: Seismic Characteristics of Jointless Bridges Afternoon: Airport to go back to Fuzhou. 该团组已进行事后公示。(对外处公章) (领队签字)Bruno Briseghella 年 月 日 |