我校拟派化学学院Masakazu Ampo教授于2019年4月赴荷兰参会。现予以公示,公示期自2019年3月07日至3月13日,如有异议,敬请监督。联系电话:22865273(对外合作与交流处)
团组负责人 | Masakazu Ampo | 学院或部门 | 化学学院 | 职称 | 教授 | 职务 | 特聘教授 外专百人 |
团组其他 成员姓名、 学院或 部门、 职称、职务 | 无 | 出访国家 或地区 | 荷兰 阿姆斯特丹 | 出访任务 (会议中、 英文名称) | 参加第八届世界纳米技术与材料科学大会与博览会 the 8th World Congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Materials Science |
具体 日程 安排 | 2019年4月22日:由福州到上海转乘国际航班至荷兰阿姆斯特丹 2019年4月23-26日:参加第八届世界纳米技术与材料科学大会与博览会 2019年4月26日:由荷兰阿姆斯特丹返回,于27日抵达北京 |
往返航线 | 福州-上海(中转)-荷兰-北京 |
本次出访 经费来源 | (须写明该经费的项目名称和经费卡号,卡号含部门编号和项目编号,编号之间用“—”隔开) G111引智基地人才专项经费(光催),0041-510643 | 本次出访 费用估值 (元人民币/团组, 申请人估算) | 2.2万 |
邀请 单位 简介 | 纳米技术与材料科学-2019会务组旨在汇聚全世界从事纳米科学的人共商纳米科研最新动态,为广大纳米技术与材料科学研究领域的学者、专家提供交流平台,会议组委会诚邀全球相关领域的学者、专家参加此次国际会议,就纳米技术与材料科学为主题的相关热点问题进行探讨、交流,共同促进材料科学研究的进步与发展。 |
单 位:福 州 大 学
出访人员:Masakazu Ampo
出访国家(地区): 荷兰
( 英文名称:8th World congress and Expo on Nanotechnology and Materials Science)
出访时间: 2019年4月22日 至 2019年4月27日
出访人所在学院(或部门) | 化学学院 | 领队姓名 | Masakazu Ampo |
出访人员名单(含领队) | Masakazu Ampo |
出访国家(地区) | 荷兰 阿姆斯特丹 | 实际 出访时间 | 2019年4月22日 至 2019年4月27日 |
实际出访路线 | 福州-上海(中转)-荷兰-北京 |
出访任务 | 参加第八届世界纳米技术与材料科学大会与博览会 |
出 访 成 果 报 告 | I attended the 8th international conference on nanotechnology & materials science which was held at the Casa Hotel in very famous and historical town in Europe, Amsterdam in Netherlands, in the period of 24th - 26th of April, 2019, and safely returned in Fuzhou on schedule after the completion of my mission of the business trip to Amsterdam. I would like to report my travel and results to Amsterdam as follows. I was invited to give a plenary lecture and also to serve as a chairman of the other invited lecture at the conference by the organizing committee. My plenary lecture was scheduled as the first plenary lecture just after the opening ceremony with many audiences. It was very pleasured and honored. In my plenary lecture entitled “Efficient H2 Production from H2O Using Visible Light-responsive g-C3N4, h-BCN, and TiO2 Thin Film Photocaysts” (by Masakazu ANPO, Bo WANG, Qinghe LI, Xinchen WANG) in the morning of the first day, 24th of April. In this lecture, I introduced the research progresses at the State Key Laboratory of Photocatalysis on Energy and Environment, “Research Institute of Photocatalysis”, Fuzhou University from its foundation in 1997 to today and the recent development of our researches on carbon nitride polymer-based photocatalysts using 30 slides to the audience of about 100 scientists and graduated students. My presentation was well accepted and highly evaluated. In fact, many people showed me their interests to want to visit our institute and to have collaborations with us after my lecture. During the conference I could meet and exchange our common ideas on photocatalysis with old friends and new scientists from all over the world. Especially, it was impressive to meet Dr. Rolando Pedicini of Instituto di Technologie Avancate per I’Energia “Nicola Giordano” in Messina, Italy. He is a friend of Prof. Leonardo Palmisano of the University of Palermo in Italy. I have a good friendship with Prof. Palmisano, therefore, I had a long discussion with Dr. Rolando Pedicini on centering the research of Prof. Palmisano’s group. During the conference in Amsterdam, I could appeal the research activities of the State Key Laboratory of Photocatalysis on Energy and Environment, Fuzhou University to many scientists and graduated students from all over the world and contribute to make and to arise our institute and university famous and reputation. 该团组已进行事后公示。(对外处公章) (领队签字) 2019年5月1日 |
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