
International Affairs Office
Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs

外国留学生住宿须知 Dormitory Notice

作者:暂无  发布时间:2016-01-14  阅读次数:


1.        外国留学生宿舍房间由校海外教育学院统一指定安排。未经同意,请勿自行调换住房或强行占用房间。请勿将房间转借或转租他人,并于每日23:00前返回宿舍。

2.        请爱护公用设施,节约用水用电。妥善使用房间物品,如因使用不当而造成物品损坏和遗失,应照价赔偿。

3.        房间钥匙要妥善保管,请勿随意转借给他人,勿私配钥匙、自行在房门上加锁或换锁。无特殊情况,留学生宿舍内不得留宿来客过夜。

4.        注意保管好个人财物,离开房间一定要随手锁门,贵重物品妥善保管,大量现金请去银行存放。

5.        请勿在宿舍楼内酗酒、聚赌、吸毒、嫖娼、斗殴或从事其他违法活动。

6.        保持楼房的环境清洁。请勿在墙壁或门上乱写乱画或张贴东西。请勿随意向窗外倒水及乱扔杂物。

7.        宿舍内部为禁烟区。

8.        遵守防火规定,严禁乱动灭火器等消防器材。严禁携带易燃、易爆、剧毒以及具有放射性危险物品进入楼内。

9.        请勿在宿舍楼内焚烧任何物品,宿舍楼内不得燃放烟花和鞭炮。

10.    宿舍内不得私接电线,不得用明火烧煮东西。

11.    请保持楼内安静,勿高声喧哗或高声播放音乐。

12.    根据《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动的管理规定》,学校尊重外国留学生的民族习俗和宗教信仰,但不提供举行宗教仪式的场所。校内严禁进行宗教聚会、传教等各种宗教活动。

13.    宿舍内自来水不可直接饮用,请加热后饮用。

14.    宿舍内不得饲养各种动物。

15.    留学生应及时足额缴纳住宿费、水电费。水电费由学生直接向校宿管中心结  算和缴纳。

16.    留学生因违反相关规定造成的损失,应照价赔偿。涉及违法行为的,将移交相关司法机关进行处理。


Dormitory notice

1.       Rooms of International students are pre-assigned by Overseas Education College Fuzhou University (OEC). Please do not change rooms or occupy others’ rooms without permission. Neither is it allowed to lend or sublet the room to others. All students must return to the dormitory before 11:00 pm.

2.       Take care of public properties and save water and electricity. Please use the articles in the room properly. If there is any damage or loss of articles because of improper use, students will need to give compensation according to the price of the article.

3.       Take good care of the keys and do not give them to anyone else without care. Please do not make extra keys, add or change locks. Violations will be handled in accordance with the related rules. Visitors are not allowed to stay overnight in the dormitory if any special circumstances.

4.       Students should take care of their belongings and lock the doors when going out. Valuables or large amount of cash can be left in the save or in the care of the bank.

5.       Law-breaking activities such as excessive drinking, gambling, drug-addiction, prostitution and whoring or fight are not allowed in the dormitory.

6.       Please keep the dormitory clean and tidy. Graffiti or sticking things on the wall or the door are prohibited. Pouring water out of the window or littering are not allowed.

7.       Smoking is NOT allowed in the dormitory.

8.       Please observe the rules of fire proof and do not move switch box and fire fighting equipments in the building. Inflammable, explosive, highly poisonous or radioactive substances and other dangerous objects are strictly prohibited from bringing into the dormitory.

9.       No burning of articles is allowed in the dormitory, and do not fire crackers or fireworks in the dormitory building.

10.   Please do not connect wires secretly or make an open fire for cooking in the room.

11.   Keep a quiet environment inside the dormitory. Please do not make loud noises or play music in high volume. Keeping pets are not allowed in the dormitory.

12.   According to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Religious Activities of Foreigners in Chinese Territory, the customs and religious belief of international students are highly respected, but sites for holding the religious rites are not provided. Religious activities like religious party and mission are forbidden in the campus.

13.   Please do not directly drink the tap water before it is boiled.

14.   Keeping pets are not allowed in the dormitory.

15.   Students should pay their accommodation fee utility fees on time. The utility fees should be directly paid to the Management Center of Students’ Dormitories by the students.

16.   A student who, in violation of the relevant provisions, causes losses shall be liable for compensation according to the price of the article.

上一条:2016 Winter Vacation Safety Notice 下一条:福州大学海外教育学院课堂管理规定
