
International Affairs Office
Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs


作者:暂无  发布时间:2016-01-07  阅读次数:





2016 Winter Holiday Notice

      According to the school calendar of Fuzhou University, the winter holiday for the language-learning students at Overseas Education College is from January 21, 2016 to March 4, 2016. March 5 and 6, 2016 are the back-to-school days, and please return to school on time. March 7, 2016 is  the registration day for the new semester and meanwhile the new textbooks will be distributed. And the class of the new semester will begin on March 8,2016. All the undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students should return and register in accordance with the calendar of the school you are studying in.

      Please submit the leave letter and report your destination if you plan to travel abroad or go back home during the winter holiday.

Overseas Education College of Fuzhou University

January 7, 2016

上一条:福州大学外国留学生守则 Rules of Conduct 下一条:关于2016年度春季选派我校学生赴台湾大学交流学习的通知
