
International Affairs Office
Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs

福建省政府奖学金与福州大学奖学金 Scholarship from Fujian Government and Fuzhou University

作者:暂无  发布时间:2015-05-05  阅读次数:

福州大学创建于1958年,被誉为“南方清华”,目前在福建省属高校中综合排名第一,是福建省人民政府与中国教育部共同建设的“211 工程”重点大学。学校教学科研力量雄厚,已成为教学研究型的中国东南强校,拥有学士-硕士-博士完整的人才培养体系,各类在校生共计3万余人,其中各类研究生近9300人。

福州大学常年设有针对外国留学生的对外汉语培训项目。 学生经过1-2年的学习,不仅能够快速提升汉语水平,获得汉语水平证书(HSK),还可以直接申请进入福州大学攻读各类学位,若达到毕业要求,可获得福州大学毕业证书和学位证书。学校目前所有专业均对留学生开放。



1、               申请攻读本科生的,须具有高中毕业以上学历,年龄原则上不超过30周岁;

2、               申请攻读硕士研究生的,须具有大学毕业以上学历、年龄原则上不超过35周岁;

3、               申请攻读普通进修生的,须具有相当于大学本科毕业的学历或应为大学二年级以上的在校学生,年龄原则不超过50周岁;

4、               申请攻读博士的,须具有收视毕业以上学历,年龄原则不超过40周岁;

5、               申请攻读高级进修生的,须具有相当于硕士毕业的学历或应为硕士一年级以上在校学生,年龄原则不超过50周岁;

6、               攻读文科专业,原则要求汉语水平考试5级以上;攻读理科专业,原则要求汉语水平考试4级以上;语言要求未达标者,可先申请来校补习1-2年,待达标后直接申请进入专业学习;申请中国政府奖学金来校攻读硕士、博士学位者,如导师能确认使用英文授课,对汉语水平可不做要求,但应完成入学后的汉语课程。


1)奖学金申请表(福建省政府奖学金与福州大学奖学金可使用同一份,下载地址:  http://oce.fzu.edu.cn/news.aspx?type=gwzsxx&id=447 );




 (5)外国人体格检查记录,下载地址: http://oce.fzu.edu.cn/news.aspx?type=gwzsxx&id=349

            6)学习和研究计划,包括希望解决的问题和研究设想(进修生不少于400字,本科生不少于800字,硕、博士生不少于 2000 字);

           (7)攻读硕博士者,还应提交申请人个人陈述(不少于2000 字)以及两名副教授以上专家的推荐信。个人陈述内容应包括:学习与工作经历、经验、特别成就等;科研能力及其它能力;申请博士学位需要提交硕士论文工作创新点描述;列出12位意向报考的主导师。




联系电话:0086-591-22865239    邮箱:faomail@fzu.edu.cn




 Fuzhou University, founded in 1958, has obtained the high reputation as “Tsinghua University in the south of China” with its No. 1 comprehensive education capability among all the Fujian-province-owned universities. The University is also cosponsored by Fujian Province and the Ministry of Education of China and has been selected into the “211 project”. The university boosts its high-level teaching and scientific research fruits and has now developed into a key teaching-and-research comprehensive university in Fujian Province. The university offers diverse fields of discipline in undergraduate programs, master’s degree programs and doctoral degree programs. There are 30,000 students in the University, including more than 9300 graduate students.

The University has established the Chinese Language and Culture Program for foreign students to learn Chinese in China. After 1 or 2 years learning, foreign students not only could have a good command of Chinese Language for HSK but also could apply for the degree courses directly in Fuzhou University and be awarded the degree and graduation certificate. At present all the majors are open to foreign students.

The Chinese Government Scholarship Students, Confucius Institute Scholarship Students, Fujian Provincial Government Scholarship Students are all accepted by Fuzhou University. Also, the University has its own scholarships for foreign students. Procedures and required documents for applying Chinese Government Scholarship and Confucius Institute Scholarship shall prevail to the government website. All scholarships can be applied, but only one can be received.

In order to simplify the procedures, Fujian Provincial Government Scholarship and Fuzhou University Scholarship adopt the same application standard, as follows:

1. Candidates for applying B.A. need high school diploma and are no more than 30 years old;

2. Candidates for applying M.A. need bachelor degree and are no more than 35 years old;

3. Candidates for applying non-degree programs need bachelor degree or are undergraduates in junior or senior years, and are no more than 50 years old;

4. Candidates for applying Ph.D need master degree and are no more than 40 years old;

5. Candidates for applying advanced visiting programs need master degree or are postgraduates and are no more than 50 years old;

6. Candidates for applying liberal arts majors need to achieve180 points in HSK (Level 5). Candidates for applying science and engineering majors need to achieve180 points in HSK (Level 4). Candidates failed in Candidates can join in the Chinese language learning course for 1-2 years in Fuzhou University, and can apply liberal arts majors or science and engineering majors when the language requirements are reached; there is no requirement for Chinese language learning students. Candidates for applying M.A and Ph.D. with Chinese Government Scholarship need not to meet the Chinese language level if the professors have agreed to teach in English, but the Chinese courses should be passed after the enrollment.

The candidate students should fill and submit the following applying documents and mail us before May 30, 2015

1. Scholarship Application Form (Fujian Provincial Government Scholarship and Fuzhou University Scholarship can be applied with the same form, the form can be downloaded at the webpage of Overseas Education College, Fuzhou University:http://oce.fzu.edu.cn/news.aspx?type=gwzsxx&id=447

2. Scanned copy of passport;

3. Scanned copy of notarized highest academic certificate and academic record (the original copies should be checked after the enrollment);

4. Scanned copy of photos and 2 same pieces of passport size color photos which is face before, bust, bareheaded (names should be signed in the back of each photo)

5. Copy or scanned copy of HSK certificate (the original copies should be checked after the enrollment);

6. Original foreigner physical examination form: http://oce.fzu.edu.cn/news.aspx?type=gwzsxx&id=349;

7. Study and research plan, including your idea to the research that you are interested in. (according to the requirement of Fujian Provincial Scholarship application, the plan should be no less than 400 words for language learning students, no less than 800 words for B.A. students and no less than 2,000 words for M.A. and Ph.D. students.)

8. For the master’s and doctor’s degree, personal statement (no less than 2,000 words) and recommendation letters (written by two professors or associate professors) are needed. The personal statement should include study and working experience and achievements, research capability and other abilities; creative conception of the master’s thesis (needed only if the doctor’s degree is applied); one or two supervisors in Fuzhou University you want to follow.

Fuzhou University Scholarship can be applied for annually with an amount a bit less than Fujian Provincial Government Scholarship. The scholarship not only covers part of tuition and accommodation fees but also includes the monthly living allowance of 500 yuan RMB.
With the internationalization of education, Fuzhou University has been one of the best choices for overseas students.
Welcome to Fuzhou University!

Contacting Person: Mr. Zhao

Tel: +86 (0)591-22865239      Email: faomail@fzu.edu.cn

Website of FZU: http://vvww.fzu.edu.cn/

 Website of OEC and OCE: http://oce.fzu.edu.cn

Address: Overseas Education College/Office of Cooperation and Exchange, Fuzhou University,2 Xueyuan Road, University Town, Fuzhou, Fujian P.R.CHINA, 350116

上一条:福州大学优秀外国留学生奖学金暂行实施办法 下一条:福州大学攻读硕士、博士申请材料 Postgraduates Application Requirement
