2023年10月27日 地点:生工北楼柏物产厅 |
开幕式 14: 00-14: 10 (致辞及拍照) |
致辞 汪少芸 教授,福州大学海洋生物制品国际合作联合实验室主任 |
主持人: 蔡茜茜 副研究员 福州大学海洋生物制品国际合作联合实验室 文雅欣 副研究员 福州大学生物科学与工程学院 |
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14: 10-14: 30 |
Dan Li, Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore Title: Introduction of Hand Hygiene in the Contamination and Quality Control of Cell Culture Meat Products |
14: 30-14: 50 |
Yaxin Wen, Associate professor, Fuzhou University, China Title: Improvement in printability and physicochemical characteristics of 3D-printable plant-based meat analogs |
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14: 50-15: 10
Shengnan Lin, Post Doc, Washington State University, USA Title: Protein-based porous materials for sustainable, multifunctional filtration |
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15: 10-15: 30 |
Yuan Guo, Ph.D. student, National University of Singapore, Singapore Title: Evaluating the Role of Hand Hygiene in the Contamination and Quality Control of Cell Culture Meat Products: Mitigation and Better Practice Approaches |
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15: 30-15: 50 |
Wei Luo, Ph.D. student, Fuzhou University, China Title: Discovery and design of α‑helical antimicrobial peptides with hydrophobicity through machine learning and deep learning techniques |
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15: 50-16: 10 |
Yanyu Hu, Ph.D. student, Fuzhou University, China Title: Porous yet highly stretchable gelatin-based hydrogel as breathable and comfortable flexible electrode |
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Han Tian, Ph.D. student, Fuzhou University, China Title: Two-phase hybrid inks for 3D bioprinting applications: for constructing highly shape retention and void-forming scaffolds |
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Congrong Chen, master student, Fuzhou University, China Title: Fabrication of high internal phase emulsions stabilized by simultaneously extracted protein-polysaccharide from Porphyra haitanensis |
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16: 50-17: 10 |
Jiajun Lin, master student, Fuzhou University, China Title: 3D-printable Lycium barbarum L. combined with Tremella fuciformis whole powder: printability, physicochemical properties and flavor |
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17: 10-17: 30 |
Li Guo, master student, Fuzhou University, China Title: Effect of κ-carrageenan and xanthan gum hybrid gelator on the rheological, printing, and textural properties of chicken for 3D food printing |
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17: 30-17: 50 |
Jiajie Wu, master student, Fuzhou University, China Title: Emulsion-based substitution strategy: a study of bigel in 3D printing of surimi inks |
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17: 50-18: 10 |
Shuhong Zheng, master student, Fuzhou University, China Title: Inactivation efficacy and mechanism of food-derived peptides-zinc chelate against Vibrio alginolyticus |