出 访 成 果 报 告 | 在新墨西哥大学化学系访问期间,和国外导师郭华教授密切交流合作,主要从事基于第一性原理计算和微观反应动力学的多相催化理论研究,包括金属材料和二维纳米材料表面重要反应机理的探索及新能源和环境材料的理性设计。 由于多相催化材料大多为纳米粒子,结构、组分十分复杂,其表面反应往往涉及众多中间产物并经历多个基元反应步骤。要做到评估催化剂活性、揭示其反应趋势、实现催化材料性能的精准调控或筛选等,需要系统研究催化反应机理、挖掘控制催化活性的本质或关键步骤。因此,如何运用理论与计算化学的手段研究多相催化反应,逐步从理解、认识催化反应机理,到加速催化剂优化的过程,直至最终从理论上预言新的催化剂, 具有一定的理论挑战性。 出访人主要围绕这些重要科学问题开展工作,注重反应机理的探索,以新能源生产和环境相关的几种重要催化剂体系的微观反应为背景,在催化反应机理(动力学与热力学)、材料性能的理论预测(电子结构的调控及优化)等多方面开展了较系统的基础研究,取得了一系列重要的理论成果。2017年9月17日至 2018年9月 18日出访期间,在国际学术期刊发表论文7篇,如下所示: 1. Yingxin Feng, Linsen Zhou, Qiang Wan, Sen Lin* and Hua Guo,* Selective Hydrogenation of 1, 3-Butadiene Catalyzed by A Single Pd Atom Anchored on Graphene: The Importance of Dynamics. Chemical Science, 2018, 9,5890. ( hot article and back cover ) 2. Shulan Zhou*, Sen Lin, and Hua Guo*. First-Principles Insights into Ammonia Decomposition ``Catalyzed by Ru Clusters Anchored on Carbon Nanotubes: Size Dependence and Interfacial Effects. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122(16): 9091-9100. 3. Ming-an Yu, Yingxin Feng, LiYe Gao and Sen Lin*. Phosphomolybdic Acid Supported Single-Metal-Atom Catalysis in CO Oxidation: First-Principles Calculations. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 20661-20668. 4. Qiang Wan, Fenfei Wei, Yingqi Wang, Feiteng Wang, Linsen Zhou, Sen Lin*, Daiqian Xie* and Hua Guo*, Single Atom Detachment from Cu Clusters, Diffusion and Trapping on CeO2(111): Implications in Ostwald Ripening and Atomic Redispersion. Nanoscale, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8NR06232C 5. Yingxin Feng, Qiang Wan, Haifeng Xiong*, Shulan Zhou, Xun Chen, Xavier Isidro Pereira Hernandez, Yong Wang, Sen Lin*, Abhaya K. Datye*, and Hua Guo*, Correlating DFT Calculations with CO Oxidation Reactivity on Ga-doped Pt/CeO2 Single Atom Catalysts, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2018, accepted. 6. Christopher Riley, Shulan Zhou, Deepak Kunwar, Andrew De La Riva, Eric Peterson, Robin Payne, Liye Gao, Sen Lin,* Hua Guo,* and Abhaya Datye*, Design of Effective Catalysts for Selective Alkyne Hydrogenation by Doping of Ceria with a Single-Atom Promotor, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, accepted. 7. Dandan Ma, Xuefen Tian, Lifen Guo, Jie Mou, Sen Lin*, and Jianyi Ma*, Activation of Reactions in the Complex Region Using Microwave Irradiation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b06442. 该团组已进行事后公示。(对外处公章) (领队签字) 年 月 日 |